Year Three
Mrs V Sanson – Class Teacher
Miss H Ramsden – Teaching Assistant
Welcome to the Year Three class page! This is the place to find the latest news and useful information from Year Three.
Year 3 2023-2024
Sketching cave drawings in our sketch books. We then transferred these drawings onto paper painted with a mixture of glue, paint and sand. We used charcoal just like the people in the Stone Age may have done.
I am so proud of these two AMAZING young men! Not only did they complete their learning early, they chose to complete extra maths! I was so impressed so we had a little walk to Mrs Hankinson’s room and they got a headteacher award as well as star of the day. Well done boys, keep it up!
This morning in Maths as a plenary we tested our subtraction skills by creating our own ‘pokemon’ inspired characters and battling against each other (and deducting points off each other using the dice)! Excellent effort Year 4
Year 4 have had a lovely time this afternoon in their library slot. Up until Christmas, Year 4 will have library time on a Tuesday afternoon - where they will pick a book and have chance to read quietly in the library before returning to class. We all understand just how important reading is so this library time is precious!
Dictionary work for my phonics group today! I was so proud of them as I thought they would find it really tricky but they whizzed through the activity
Art has been one of my favourite lessons to teach so far this year! I have loved seeing the children learn all about primary, secondary and tertiary colours. We then used colours opposite each other on the colour wheel (complimentary colours) to create our own still life art works. Watch this space for the next couple of weeks as we will look at Vincent Van Gogh and Theresa Paden who both use complimentary colours in their art