Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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Miss N Woods – Class Teacher

Mrs L Halliwell -High Level Teaching Assistant

Miss Carroll - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Reception class page!  This is the place to find the latest news and useful information from Reception class.

In PE this week, Reception class were focusing on travelling skills, spatial awareness, rolling balls and listening skills. We ended our lesson with a fun parachute game. The challenge was to move from standing to sitting position and shaking the parachute all whilst trying to stop the balls/ discs from falling off. 

Our topic this week is looking at how we change from baby to adult. We have discussed the changes that happen. We also discussed how our needs change as we grow. 

In mastering maths, this week, we are learning how to count using 1:1 correspondence. Pete the puppet isn't very good at counting. We are teaching him to touch each number, as he says it, and that the last number he says is the over all amount

Today our PE game involved lots of spatial awareness. The children moved in a variety of ways and had to freeze, in a space, when the teacher shouted hula hoop. We also looked at handling equipment carefully and did some colour matching- can you put the correct coloured equipment into the correct colour hula hoop? 

In writing this week, we are making our own family portraits. We are attempting to form some letters correctly, write our names and talk about our family 

In maths this week, we are learning how to subitise. Can we recognise how many spots there are without counting? Can we show the amount using our fingers?