Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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Year Five

Mrs M Cassidy – Class Teacher

Mrs C Greenhalgh - Teaching Assistant

Welcome to the Year Five class page!  This is the place to find the latest news and useful information from Year Five.

Year 5 2023-2024

Year 5 have enjoyed designing their own computer game using the tools on Purple Mash. We went through a process of deciding on the characters, the object for the character to collect and the creature or monster that was in their way! You can see some of the planning that we did and the game plan and the eventual game play that we are going to test on each other to improve. 

Year Five have been looking at sculptures by the artist Elizabeth Berrien and her animal constructions made from wire. We have begun to research, design and create a model of our own using the skills and techniques we have learned about, developing our own creatures. These are our first attempts using foil - what do you think?

Very excited to be invited to a concert by Y5 today. Totally wonderful! They composed the music and played brilliantly

Year 5 have enjoyed finding out about the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses, myths and legends and the legacy of the civilisations that we still recognise today. We studied some of the most famous characters and even tried to think  about the features to create or own. 
As part of our learning in PSHE we have looked at how people would feel coming to a new place and how we could welcome visitors. We thought about making our classroom a welcoming place and designed walls to show how we felt about valuing difference to our class. 

We love our maths learning in Year 5! We have looked at place value and used the equipment in class to represent these values in different ways.