Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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In PE this week, Reception class were focusing on travelling skills, spatial awareness, rolling balls and listening skills. We ended our lesson with a fun parachute game. The challenge was to move from standing to sitting position and shaking the parachute all whilst trying to stop the balls/ discs from falling off. 

Today our PE game involved lots of spatial awareness. The children moved in a variety of ways and had to freeze, in a space, when the teacher shouted hula hoop. We also looked at handling equipment carefully and did some colour matching- can you put the correct coloured equipment into the correct colour hula hoop? 

Wednesday 18th September.

Today we received our 'Gold' school mark banner and badge, we have proudly displayed the banner in the school foyer for all to see!

Well done to our amazing year 2 and 3 sport stars who have done amazing in the football competition